His Eminence Sayyed Salih Al-Hakeem, the director of Al-Kalima Center for Dialogue and Cooperation, and His Eminence Sayyed Izz Aldeen Al Hakeem met Dr. Noor Zaidi, a researcher at many American universities and a history professor. The meeting discussed some important topics including the importance of Al-Hawza and the difference between it and the rest of the religious institutions of the other religions and sects. His Eminence Izzul Deen Al-Hakim affirmed that the Marjeyya has an effective role in spreading the message of peaceful co-existence among the sects. the Marjeyya is the first to call for the establishment of the constitution and respect for its decisions. Sayyed Izzul Deen also answered another question about the accusation for the Marjeyya for not being a contemporary scientific institution where His Eminence replied: “The skeptic of the scientific estate should look at its products and what it has provided to Iraqi society in general.” His Eminence Salih Hakim said that the scientific estate has a great role and All the people respect it.
It is worth mentioning that the two Sides have agreed to promote the scientific research, share experiences and contribute to a better future.