A delegation from the office of His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Saeed al-Hakeem (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), visited the Faculty of theology at Marmara University in Istanbul, one of the oldest Islamic colleges in Turkey. The delegation was received by the Vice Dean and a number of professors and heads of departments where his Eminence, Sayyed Ezzul din Al-Hakeem talked about the history of the city of Najaf as a capital of scientific studies.
His Eminence also referred to the role of Marjeyya in Najaf in maintaining the social peace and coexistence in the difficult circumstances that have passed through Iraq.
From his part, the vice-dean gave some details about the history of the college and the way of the study. He expressed great appreciation and welcome for this visit and declared readiness to fully communicate and cooperate.
In conclusion, the Vice Dean presented copies of the Holy Quran to members of the visiting delegation
Home / Archive / The delegation of Department Al-Tabligh in the office of His Eminence, The Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakeem visits the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Marmara in Istanbul