Ayatollah Al-Sayyed Riyadh Al-Hakeem visited Thykar University , he was received by the president of the University Dr. Riyadh Jabur Shantah and a set of professors , where the president of the University expressed the status of the University and the number of the colleges and the actual needs that can develop the performance and ability to accommodate the students, especially the people of the province at the first class , and he pointed out that there is a main need to complete the colleges at the city of colleges which is stopped after economic crisis .
He has emphasized on the importance of involving goodness people of the governorate to finance the University ,this cooperation is not less importance than many charities , and may be it has priority on the other charitable needs , his imminence explains his willingness for cooperation to create this situation and what help in that .
After that he went to visit the college of education and humanitarian sciences to give a lecture about “the importance of the dialogue and open up to the world and the results ” ,where he talked about his experience in the dialogue and the project of establishing the center of Hikmeh for dialogue and cooperation in Holy Najaf and his contribution to open large international relations , where he talked in several axes, some of them : the importance of dialogue , its aims , its justifications , its principles , its horizons , and some achieved results . the lecture ended in a set of discussions by scholars and students , after that he went to meet an elite of scholars in deanship .
The attendees expressed their admiration and readiness for serious cooperation in participation of dialogue project and receiving the foreign guests to define this original city and its religious and civic legacy .